After weight loss training to get jacked and tanned has to be the next most common training goal people have and just like weight loss most people over complicate the hell out...
Lots of people like to think that getting stronger or programming is some kind of dark art or super difficult problem to overcome. That is a load of horse shit, getting stronger is simple you...
Rep outs aren’t anything new they have been around probably for as long as weights have been around it doesn’t take a genius to take a weight and say I am going to do...
It doesn’t matter what the discipline or the hobby that humans engage in their tendency to get lost in the here and now and make decisions that when taken in the context of the...
What programme are you on at the minute? The powerlifting version of how’s the weather, small talk we make with people we see in the gym every now and again who we haven’t spent...
The following is of course in no way medical advice it is merely the words of a weathered lifter with a fucked back. You should, of course, seek the opinion of a medical professional before...
The mobility-stability spectrum that is. Other spectrums may vary. You stare long enough at the memes, sometimes the memes stare back.Mobility or Stability?Onto the useful stuff. I see loads of athlete and coaches droning...
Powerlifters doing powerlifting stuff on the internet. That squat is high says the thirteen-year-old kid who just got his first York weights set for Christmas and has read starting strength (god help us all). ...
The information superhighway was one of many phrases used to describe the Internet, a massive open library where ideas and ideals can be shared instantly to create greater understanding, enhance learning and join the...
Disclaimer – this is an overreaching programme it is designed to push your 1 rep max over 12 weeks and will be a stressful period of training. Don’t run this programme back to back...
I’ve given CrossFit a fair amount of shit in my time, I won’t shy away from it some of the movement standards allowed by boxes and at competitions doesn’t really do much to put...
I’ve started listening to the stone cold Steve Austin podcast which is excellent by the way Stone Cold is probably the only person I reckon who is actually as cool as they come across...
The fitness industry, strength and conditioning, sports science and nutrition industry are funny places they straddle science and bullshit almost like no other field or industry. On one side we have those who are...
Strength and conditioning is busting at the seams with people in their early 20s who have come out of some degree programme but haven’t seen the inside of a gym or sports performance facility. ...
There are lots of gyms around the world tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands yet there aren’t many great gyms in the world or places with a great atmosphere. I’ve been in...
I’m what you might refer to as a self made man in the gym pretty much for 90% of my 12 year lifting life I have written my own programmes and devised my own...
If you train both fitness and strength for either sport or your own enjoyment and want optimal adaptation than it may be wise to alternate fitness and strength based days in your programme.
If strength...
I’ve had a pretty normal couple of days for a weekend but a couple of experiences and conversations have prompted me to write this quick article as I think it is a concept or...