In this day in age when powerlifting is gaining much more popularity and isn't just what those weird fat lads who hog the squat rack every night do technical words get banded...
Lots of people like to think that getting stronger or programming is some kind of dark art or super difficult problem to overcome. That is a load of horse shit, getting stronger is simple you...
My name is Marc and I have a back spasm. The first important step to solving a problem or issue is to admit you have a problem or issue. Commencing the 13-August-2018 I had my...
When it comes to programming for any physical quality be it strength, fitness or power we are going to introduce some amount of fatigue during training. There isn’t really any two ways about it...
The following advice is not that of a medical professional and is just the anecdotal experience of a coach and lifter. If you have an injury or issue you should seek medical advice first...
Warming up gets a lot of attention in general if you punch “insert activity” warm up you will no doubt get a plethora of hits of varying quality from experts providing great advice to...
The following is a small exert from my upcoming first book on powerlifting.The conventional deadlift puts your hips further away from your centre of mass than any of the other powerlifts this can be...
Rep outs aren’t anything new they have been around probably for as long as weights have been around it doesn’t take a genius to take a weight and say I am going to do...
It doesn’t matter what the discipline or the hobby that humans engage in their tendency to get lost in the here and now and make decisions that when taken in the context of the...
What programme are you on at the minute? The powerlifting version of how’s the weather, small talk we make with people we see in the gym every now and again who we haven’t spent...
The mobility-stability spectrum that is. Other spectrums may vary. You stare long enough at the memes, sometimes the memes stare back.Mobility or Stability?Onto the useful stuff. I see loads of athlete and coaches droning... is a closed sequential skill - this means in non-jargon that it is a skill where the variability involved in its execution is down to the lifter performing the task there is no...
If there is one macro in recent years that has been demonised it’s the common old carbohydrate. The insulin hypothesis got huge upswings in popularity with the Atkins diet, fat head the movie and...
Since the obscure title gave nothing away. With winter imminent, and game of thrones well and truly over. This article is going to be a mix of what you really should do in your...
Powerlifters doing powerlifting stuff on the internet. That squat is high says the thirteen-year-old kid who just got his first York weights set for Christmas and has read starting strength (god help us all). ...
How much accessory work should you be doing? Something I’ve learned over the years is the role and value of performing accessory work at different levels/stages of your lifting “career”, I use the word...
I started training as a teenager sometime in the mid 1990’s; started helping others with their training round about 1998 and opened my first gym just after the start of the current millennium. I’ve...
Disclaimer – this is an overreaching programme it is designed to push your 1 rep max over 12 weeks and will be a stressful period of training. Don’t run this programme back to back...