I've got a bit of a reputation as a powerlifting coach, strength specalist and strength and conditioning coach probably in that order of what I believe people think to be my competency. That is...
The mobility-stability spectrum that is. Other spectrums may vary. You stare long enough at the memes, sometimes the memes stare back.Mobility or Stability?Onto the useful stuff. I see loads of athlete and coaches droning...
I’ve started listening to the stone cold Steve Austin podcast which is excellent by the way Stone Cold is probably the only person I reckon who is actually as cool as they come across...
The fitness industry, strength and conditioning, sports science and nutrition industry are funny places they straddle science and bullshit almost like no other field or industry. On one side we have those who are...
Strength and conditioning is busting at the seams with people in their early 20s who have come out of some degree programme but haven’t seen the inside of a gym or sports performance facility. ...
Does getting stronger make soccer players faster?William Styles et al looked at the effect of 6 weeks of strength training utilising the squat exercise (2x per week utilising 80-95% RM) had on 5,10 and...
TL;DRChains and bands can provide a good strength stimulus over longer periods of training for athletes of different sporting backgrounds and untrained subjects. We can't say if this is due to a novel stimulus...
Training fads and practices come and go high intensity interval training was all the rage 5-10 years ago and continues to be popular. However it has become a bit of a catch all term...
Rugby is primary an aerobic sport although the average size and weight of players has developed massively since the birth of the professional game players still need to be able to last for 80...
Weightlifting and powerlifting are typically very static sports and don’t require a huge amount of aerobic capacity yet it is common practice for a lot of eastern European/Asian weightlifting programmes to have some...