The mobility-stability spectrum that is. Other spectrums may vary. You stare long enough at the memes, sometimes the memes stare back.Mobility or Stability?Onto the useful stuff. I see loads of athlete and coaches droning...
Almost all of my writing tends to be on the bigger picture things like programming, why to choose specific exercises over non-specific or technique when it comes to powerlifting. I am guilty of not...
Ready for anything at any time is the call of the generalist trainer or those who have somehow gotten into their heads that the best way to progress forward in fitness or in training...
The majority of this article is inspired by the frankly excellent book Peak by Anders Ericsson whose body of work is in skill learning and the achievement of expert status or mastery. A lot...
Every sport has it's own fan boys/girls without these characters then a lot of sports wouldn't be able to support professional athletes and equipment manufacturers would have no one to sell their wares to....
Weightlifting and powerlifting are typically very static sports and don’t require a huge amount of aerobic capacity yet it is common practice for a lot of eastern European/Asian weightlifting programmes to have some...