So today I didn't really train since I am competing on Sunday. Instead we had a play around with the gym's ballistic system. I performed power cleans at 4 different percentiles of 1RM...
Start of First PullEnd of First PullStart of second pullEnd of second pull/start of receive "third pull"Top of ReceiveStart of Jerk DriveJerk DriveJerk ReceiveEnd of Jerk/Finish PositionTechnical ConsiderationsStartLifter should start with their weight over...
The following is an article by Dr. Ralph Giarnella MD, I stumbled across this article in the T-Nation forums and thought people would be interested to give it a read. Poliquin is one...
Start of pull.End of PullStartSet up blocks so you can assume the correct second pull (power) position for the clean.Take a clean grip (half a thumb in from the knurling)Bend your knees under the...
Bad Science is a book written by Ben Goldacre of In the book he takes a look at a number of topics that all relate in some way to either a misuse...
The bodybuilding community is deeply intertwined with that of the sports supplement world a look into any bodybuilding or fitness magazine will reveal a wealth of protein and supplement advertisements (Rankin 1995). Bodybuilders and...
So how can I start to implement resistance exercise into my programme?Depending on your goal you will have to choose the exercise method and manipulate sets and reps to best suit your goal. ...
Pink vest and complete lack of effort optional. Resistance training is the use of an external load to place an exercise stimulus on the body. These external loads can come from the use of...
Over the course of this article we will discuss eight habits that you can bring into your daily routine that will help you loose body fat without counting calories or doing any extra exercise...
I went down to the North of England Open yesterday with one of our lifters Robin Fourman for his first comp.He weighed in at 81.4 kg and is 17.He went 65/70 in the snatch...