Well this one’s a bit off the beaten track isn’t it ladies and gentlemen! I am currently walking through Holyrood Park in Edinburgh to get to Edinburgh Barbell’s training venue and it is a...
There is a theme that underpins all training programs that are of any quality it is as simple to say as it is difficult to put into action. All sports training, when put into...
To know where you are going then you need to know where you have been. Next year will mark the end of my first decade of professional strength and conditioning with elite athletes. 2017...
There are lots of gyms around the world tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands yet there aren’t many great gyms in the world or places with a great atmosphere. I’ve been in...
As strength and conditioning coaches and especially as strength coaches pretending to be strength and conditioning coaches I feel it is easy to get trapped in the process of worrying too much about...
Taking my monthly browse of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, I found a study that peaked my interest entitled - Using the load-velocity relationship for 1RM prediction. One of the main...
Image via WikipediaI get to have a lot of conversations with people who are coaches or are looking into becoming a coach. I also like to be involved in the on-line lifting community...