There is a theme that underpins all training programs that are of any quality it is as simple to say as it is difficult to put into action. All sports training, when put into...
I’ve started listening to the stone cold Steve Austin podcast which is excellent by the way Stone Cold is probably the only person I reckon who is actually as cool as they come across...
To know where you are going then you need to know where you have been. Next year will mark the end of my first decade of professional strength and conditioning with elite athletes. 2017...
The fitness industry, strength and conditioning, sports science and nutrition industry are funny places they straddle science and bullshit almost like no other field or industry. On one side we have those who are...
Does getting stronger make soccer players faster?William Styles et al looked at the effect of 6 weeks of strength training utilising the squat exercise (2x per week utilising 80-95% RM) had on 5,10 and...
There are lots of gyms around the world tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands yet there aren’t many great gyms in the world or places with a great atmosphere. I’ve been in...
The Reliability of Functional Movement Screening and In-Season Changes in Physical Function and Performance Among Elite Rugby League Players
Waldron et al looked at the correlation between the functional moment screening tests (12 in total)...
If you train both fitness and strength for either sport or your own enjoyment and want optimal adaptation than it may be wise to alternate fitness and strength based days in your programme.
If strength...
TL;DR DigestThrowing the kitchen sink at recovery can have a small increase on repeated anaerobic win gate performance during a day's training.
Compression garments are again shown to be no better than control.
If you want...
TL; DR – the use of bands for deadlift might be a good strategy for increasing the power or velocity aspects of the lift but seems to be of little worth if greater total...
TL;DRChains and bands can provide a good strength stimulus over longer periods of training for athletes of different sporting backgrounds and untrained subjects. We can't say if this is due to a novel stimulus...
TL;DRSome researchers are obviously of the opinion that block perodisation means doing the exact same workout (or stimulus) 2 weeks in a row.
If you want to increase change of direction increase your relative strength...
TL;DRShorter rest periods make cardiovascular exercise a lot more demanding.
Athletes with lower levels of testosterone can be more susceptible to ratings of fatigue and changes in mood states.
Counter movement jump is a reliable and...
TL;DR -if you train 2-3x per day you might want to investigate massage to help improve your performance between sessions.
Isometrics are still a waste of time for performance training.
resistance training that involves similar movements...
Whoever designed the combined conditioning programme needs to re-evaluate their conditioning don't jump any lower or higher without shoes but it feels more comfortable in a season keeping training effective and...
How Do Different Warm Up Intensities and Durations Effect 1RM Leg Press?Renanto Barroso et al of the University of Sao Paulo Brazil looked at the effects of 4 different warm up condition vs a control condition on the...
Foam rolling and Force Production
Graham Z McDonald et al of the Memorial university of Newfoundland Canada looked at the acute effect of self myofasical realise on range of motion at the knee joint. Eleven healthy males subjects took part in the...