I started training as a teenager sometime in the mid 1990’s; started helping others with their training round about 1998 and opened my first gym just after the start of the current millennium. I’ve...
I’ve given CrossFit a fair amount of shit in my time, I won’t shy away from it some of the movement standards allowed by boxes and at competitions doesn’t really do much to put...
Personal training and strength and conditioning can be hugely rewarding and fulfilling jobs and as such, they attract a lot of people who want to get into the business. If you're looking for just...
Well this one’s a bit off the beaten track isn’t it ladies and gentlemen! I am currently walking through Holyrood Park in Edinburgh to get to Edinburgh Barbell’s training venue and it is a...
Ready for anything at any time is the call of the generalist trainer or those who have somehow gotten into their heads that the best way to progress forward in fitness or in training...
If I look at anything that I have done well or that has been a success in my reasonably short tenure on this planet it has been the things, I have stuck with through...
I’ve started listening to the stone cold Steve Austin podcast which is excellent by the way Stone Cold is probably the only person I reckon who is actually as cool as they come across...
To know where you are going then you need to know where you have been. Next year will mark the end of my first decade of professional strength and conditioning with elite athletes. 2017...
The fitness industry, strength and conditioning, sports science and nutrition industry are funny places they straddle science and bullshit almost like no other field or industry. On one side we have those who are...
The majority of this article is inspired by the frankly excellent book Peak by Anders Ericsson whose body of work is in skill learning and the achievement of expert status or mastery. A lot...
Apologies for not writing to this blog for a while I have been somewhat snowed under with other time commitments since pre-season hit in July of 2016. Now the dust is starting to settle...
1 The intellectual meathead.Lifting is a verb and verbs by definition are doing words, Rene Descartes is famous for his quote “I think therefore I am” which in a philosophy is a perfectly valid...
Strength and conditioning is busting at the seams with people in their early 20s who have come out of some degree programme but haven’t seen the inside of a gym or sports performance facility. ...
Does getting stronger make soccer players faster?William Styles et al looked at the effect of 6 weeks of strength training utilising the squat exercise (2x per week utilising 80-95% RM) had on 5,10 and...
As strength and conditioning coaches and especially as strength coaches pretending to be strength and conditioning coaches I feel it is easy to get trapped in the process of worrying too much about...
TL;DRChains and bands can provide a good strength stimulus over longer periods of training for athletes of different sporting backgrounds and untrained subjects. We can't say if this is due to a novel stimulus...
I've worked with sports men and women for nearly a decade now I have worked with Olympians, International team sports stars and youth athletes who have never stepped in a gym before. One thing...
5 - Placebo mattersOnce you come to accept what can be a harsh reality that a lot of the physical training that involves "optimisation" is pretty much a big crock of shit then you...