If I look at anything that I have done well or that has been a success in my reasonably short tenure on this planet it has been the things, I have stuck with through...
As strength and conditioning coaches and especially as strength coaches pretending to be strength and conditioning coaches I feel it is easy to get trapped in the process of worrying too much about...
The book Steroid Nation by Shaun Assael was released in October of 2007, the book takes the reader on a narrative of steroid use and culture in the United States. Starting from the...
After writing the last installment about deep squatting the question of injuries and the rate in which they occur in both weightlifting and powerlifting peaked my intrest. To this end I have performed a...
Squat depth is one of those issues in the field of strength and conditioning, physiotherapy and gym rats the world over that can cause massive divides as soon as it is mentioned. It can...