How much accessory work should you be doing? Something I’ve learned over the years is the role and value of performing accessory work at different levels/stages of your lifting “career”, I use the word...
I started training as a teenager sometime in the mid 1990’s; started helping others with their training round about 1998 and opened my first gym just after the start of the current millennium. I’ve...
Apologies for not writing to this blog for a while I have been somewhat snowed under with other time commitments since pre-season hit in July of 2016. Now the dust is starting to settle...
When we talk about strength training it gets easy to get sucked into one of the many cults that exist here are a few of those prestigious religious institutions - The fat man cult...
I have had the pleasure of working with a multitude of sports and people. I have worked with Olympians, Paralymic meadlists, Commonwealth games meadlists, Professional sports teams/people and people who want to loose weight....