Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Strength and Conditioning Research the TL;DR Version – January 2016



More reps regardless of the time under tension is a better factor for increasing neuromuscular and metabolic responses.  Mechanical work completed may potentially be a more important factor for hypertrophy than simple “time under tension”. 

If you need to be aerobically fit to perform well in your job or sport you can’t afford to be fat.

If you want leaner, swoler and more agile navy seals you should utilise a block perodisation model.

Boxers should be looking to develop whole body strength and power in their programmes to maximise their punching power.

Different ways of splitting up interval training has a specific effect on fitness when intensity remains constant.  If you want to increase fitness thresholds continuous activity at specific intensity is a good way to go and if you want to increase efficiently more intervals of shorter duration or targeted at distances may be the best way. 

Repetition duration and number influences muscle activation and lactate.

24 males with previous resistance training experience took part in the study, they were randomly assigned to one of two testing conditions (A and B) and completed both.  The exercise performed was smith machine bench press.  EMG for the delts, pecs and triceps were measured alongside blood lactate which was measured during and 12 minutes post exercise.

Condition A = 3 sets of 6 reps @ 60% rm with 3 minutes rest using a repetition duration of 6 seconds.

Condition B = 3 sets of 12 reps @ 60% rm with 3 minutes rest using a repetition duration of 3 seconds.

EMG activity for all muscles increased as the sets progressed and was higher for condition B then condition A.  Blood lactate also increased during all sets and was higher for condition B then condition A.

TL;DR – more reps regardless of the time under tension is a better factor for increasing neuromuscular and metabolic responses.  Mechanical work completed may potentially be a more important factor for hypertrophy than simple “time under tension”. 


Body composition is strongly associated with fitness in Brazilian fire fighters.

4237 male fire-fighters where assessed for physical fitness and body composition.  Body composition was assessed using BMI, bodyfat %, waist circumference and body adiposity index (BAI).  Physical fitness was assessed using the 12 minute cooper run.

Negative relationships where shown between age (-0.21), BMI (-0.45), WC (-0.5) and BAI (0.35).  Obese subjects had a lower Vo2 max when compared to all other categories.  A negative relationship between body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness was found for all body composition methods irrespective of age.

TL;DR – if you need to be aerobically fit to perform well in your job or sport you can’t afford to be fat.

US Navy SEALs, SEAL Team One

US Navy SEALs, SEAL Team One

Block periodization  for the navy seals

85 special naval operators from the US navy where split into two groups – block periodisation and non-linear periodization.  They conducted 12 weeks of training after which a pre-post test analysis was carried out for body composition, aerobic capacity and lactate threshold, muscular strength, flexibility, landing mechanics, postural stability and tactical performance.

The experimental group (the block perodisation) performed better on measures of flexibility, balance, agility and muscular strength.  The experimental group also demonstrated significant decreases in fat and increases in muscle mass.

TL;DR – if you want leaner, swoler and more agile navy seals you should utilise a block perodisation model.


Strength and power qualities are highly associated with punching power in Elite amateur boxers.

15 amateur boxers from the Brazilian national team where included in the study (9 men and 6 females).  They where tested for a battery of strength and power variables (squat jump, counter movement jump, bench press, bench throw, maximum isometric force in squat and bench press and rate of force development in squat and bench press).  The boxers thought 3 jabs and 3 crosses both from a standardised distance and self selected distance hitting a force platform raised 1 meter from the floor with a body cover.


Punching impact correlated strongly with punching impact (0.65 to 0.85) with some of the best correlations coming from measures of lowerbody power (mean propulsion during jump squat in particular).

TL;DR – boxers should be looking to develop whole body strength and power in their programmes to maximise their punching power.


Concurrent strength and interval training protocols in elite water polo players.

Two teams of elite water polo players took part in two different high intensity interval protocols performed at the same pace (106% of pace that resulted in a 4 mmol content of blood lactate).  Team one (n=7) performed 4 sets of 4 minutes and team two (n=7) performed 16 100 meter efforts at the same pace.  Both teams performed the same strength training protocol 4 sets of 5 @ 85 – 90% RM.  Both groups also performed their own specific water polo training.

After 8 weeks of training both teams showed an improvement in 1 RM bench press.  Only the 4 x 4 min group increased the speeds that represented 4, 5 and 10 mmol of blood lactate whilst the 16 x 100 group were more effective in differential velocity in the 5 – 10 mmol levels.

TL;DR – different ways of splitting up interval training has a specific effect on fitness when intensity remains constant.  If you want to increase fitness thresholds continuous activity at specific intensity is a good way to go and if you want to increase efficiently more intervals of shorter duration or targeted at distances may be the best way. 




About Marc Keys

As a coach Marc's philosophy uses a minamilast approach that yields superior performance gains. Having worked as a coach for over 7 years providing support for athletes from over 30 sports (Olympic, Paralympic and commonwealth medallists) he has plenty of time to learn his craft.Marc currently works full time as a strength coach based in Edinburgh.A competitive power lifter for 5 years some carrer highlights include (2011 - British and Commonwealth Senior Champion, 2012 World Championship squad member for great britian and former holder of 3 British records). Marc Coaches strength and power sports in his spare time and continues to develop castironstrength.

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